Yes, it's that time of the year again, when I prepare for a long trip overseas, and recuperate from burnout.
I tend to restrict myself to one holiday every 12 months, but it may be better to take 2-3 short ones instead. Only problem: not being able to get leave. Department's really short on manpower. Hope that doesn't last too long.

David Foster fans rejoice! He's returning to Singapore for the second time in 12 months, performing with two of my favourite singers - Michael Bolton and Russell Watson.
The best seats in the house are reserved for "VIPs", and the top-priced tickets don't even guarantee the best views. No matter. I got lucky last year when the concert organizers helped me snag second row places. I mustn't be greedy. :)
Will I try to grovel my way into a meet-and-greet? You bet! I'm told Foster's very busy and requested a restriction on the number of meetings he has lined up, so I'm going to see if Bolton or Watson will be more obliging. Especially Watson, who is known to be extremely friendly, and whom I'd like to congratulate for overcoming a serious illness.
And since one of the shows falls exactly on my mum's birthday, if we do meet Watson, I will definitely ask him to sing something for her. And you can be 100% sure that he won't say no! :)
In other news... oh yes, there was a little itty-bitty thing called the Presidential Election. Also known as Farce #2, after Farce #1 ( i.e. the General Election ).
I can accept the final result, but please, don't call this a "victory" for the sake of saving face. When will these people publicly acknowledge the precarious positions they're in, and stop acting smug and self-righteous?
5 more years, and they may have to eat their words.
What else...
Was appointed "adjunct assistant professor", which sounds fancy, but doesn't come with additional protected time for teaching. It does, however, come with extra money. :)
Having a ball planning the upcoming trip. Catching at least 3 Broadway shows, including one that stars Daniel Radcliffe, and another that just won the Tony for Best Musical.
Day trip to Washington, D.C.
Visiting 3 massive theme parks in Orlando.
Then off to San Francisco for a medical conference, a visit to the Napa Valley, a tour of the Californian coast, and an afternoon at UC Berkeley where a friend's daughter just started term.
Also meeting a JC pal and having dinner with a renowned emergency medicine professor in NYC.
Not to mention giving a lecture at Mt. Sinai Hospital ( at the professor's invitation ). Quite nervous about that!
Oh yes, supposed to "interview" another emergency physician from New York, who may be interested in working with us. I hope my pessimism doesn't scare him off, haha.
And there's a celebrity New Yorker my mom INSISTS on meeting, if I manage to persuade him via Facebook. All I can say is, he's on American TV, he's gorgeous, rich, single, super-friendly ( i.e. replies to all my messages, believe it or not ), and my mom wants a picture with him at all costs.
Think I'll come back even more exhausted than ever.
But at least I'll be happy! :D