I've been neglecting my blog for far too long, but also realize that the amount of free time and energy I have has decreased significantly over the past couple of years.
However, It's A Zoo Out There will turn 10 this June, so I shall endeavour to keep it going on a regular basis.
To all my loyal followers, a big thank you for your patience. :)

For this year's inaugural entry, here's a beautiful picture of Mr. Spacey, chosen because it showcases his gorgeous hands. He's been rather silent on Facebook and Twitter recently, perhaps because he's finishing up The Bridge Project's world tour in New York this month. Hope to hear from him again soon!

A new obsession for 2012 - The Sing-Off! This competition features a cappella groups and has me hooked big-time. The musical talent is mind-boggling, the song choices inspired, and the panel of judges intelligent and insightful.
Compared to American Idol - which I previously found addictive ( especially the seasons which featured the likes of Adam Lambert, David Archuleta and Casey Abrams ) - The Sing-Off is way higher in terms of the IQ factor.
Or maybe I'm just getting older. It's been 12 years after all. :)
The photo? These lovely young men are from the Yellowjackets, based at The University Of Rochester. My favourite is Aaron Sperber, the blond chap standing third from right. He sings lead regularly, but made me swoon with his rendition of Frankie Valli's Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You in episode 3 ( YouTube link on the right under Video Selection Of The Week ). Ending with a romantic kiss on judge Sara Bareilles' hand, the performance made me melt into a pool of quivering jelly. I mostly dig older guys, but Aaron, you're awesome! :D

Speaking of awesome, check out Jeff Lindsay's 5th Dexter novel, which has the protagonist playing cloak-and-dagger games with a stalker who turns out to be equally cunning and deadly. Not as entertaining as his earlier work in terms of laugh-out-loud humour - likely due to fewer appearances from Dexter's foul-mouthed foster sister, Deborah - and certain chapters tend to ramble without clear purpose. Still, my commitment to the series ( written and small-screen versions ) is unshakeable, so yes, I'm reading every single word until the very last page.

Another awesome event: Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol! Saw it twice last month but didn't manage to post a review though I desperately wanted to. In a nutshell, (1) it's the best of the MI films so far, (2) Brad Bird is a genius, (3) Jeremy Renner is freaking hot, (4) the stunts are unbelievable, and (5) despite initial misgivings about Scientology fanatic Tom Cruise - Andrew Morton's damning biography made me boycott his movies for a while - I have new-found respect for his balls of steel!
Can't wait for the DVD release, woohoo!

Last but not least, the divine JR. I've seen him in SWAT and North Country, but really sat up and took notice of his Oscar-nominated turn in The Hurt Locker. However, he has never looked better than in MI4, and handles a gun like a pro. I also enjoy his flair for comedy, as shown in a scene where he got cold feet about hurling himself onto a giant rotating fan.
Glad to see his career finally taking off - MI4, The Bourne Legacy, The Avengers and more. He's already 40 but looks almost 10 years younger. Every actor peaks at a different period in his life - JR hit it with The Hurt Locker, but that peak is likely to continue for quite a while. Looking forward to what's coming!
Two more things to look forward to: overseas trips, one in April to an Asian country I love, and another to Europe in September. Both offer elements I love - culture, good food, gorgeous scenery and excellent climates - but couldn't be more different.
I decided one holiday a year isn't enough, and am trying to arrange more trips while my mum is still fit and active. Because there'll come a time when I won't be able to leave Singapore as and when I feel like it, which is a little depressing, so let's not dwell on the subject.
2012 feels like it's going to be spectacular. Let's see if I'm right. :)
Enjoyed MI4 too! Watched a trailer of "Rock of Ages" - I'm looking forward to watching Tom Cruise as Stacee Jax! What a surprise casting! Will want to watch it and see how this musical translates on to the big screen.
Can't wait for Avengers....testosterone galore! the only hunk missing (imho) is Wolverine!
Thanks for alerting me to the newest Dexter book, I'm going to find myself a copy, I love the books + series! :)
Ps: it's the 6th one.
I just stumbled upon your blog and realized that I share your love of Kevin Spacey (though admittedly, I've not watched him on stage yet! A blasphemy!), films and a recently discovered love of musicals!
One more thing I have to add after a quick glance through your 'fave TV series' section: Please watch 'Breaking Bad'. ;) Cheers!
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