Monday, July 07, 2003

Monday afternoon in the consultation area has been pretty all right today. One of the things I always notice when I do Sunday and Monday shifts is how almost zero NS men show up on the latter day. Maybe we can station some camp MOs at all the emergency departments, and let them screen the cases before shunting them to us. Or designate an external clinic to specially deal with these guys, and then refer to the hospitals if further treatment is needed. Just a thought. I tend to give MC liberally, which some camp MOs may frown on.

Heard from the morning people that a young fellow was brought in after a road traffic accident with his bowels hanging out of his abdomen. Was later sent up to the operating theatre, and I'm not sure how he's fared since. On my way to town to run some errands today, I passed 2 accidents as well. One involved a car and a motorcyclist on the PIE, and the other was a bad collision between 2 cars at the Cairnhill Road junction just adjacent to The Light At Cairnhill ( an upmarket condominium estate in the process of being built ). It was a sunny day, with no rain, so who knows why people still crash into each other? But then, I get tailgated quite frequently (despite travelling at speeds of up to 100km/hr), and met a super-petty motorist on the highway this morning, who sped up when I tried to enter his lane, then when I managed to squeeze in, he overtook me, zoomed past on my right, then swerved back into my lane with only inches to spare. Must've thought I was trying to prove something, but he's the one with the inferiority complex. Used to hurl obscenities at such people -- they couldn't hear them, of course -- but now, I just shake my head in a manner that's obvious to them should they decide to look in their rear view mirrors, or I just give them a you're-so-pathetic face if I pass them later on. Feel really sorry for such people.

Caught the premiere of "Taken", the epic alien encounters series from my idol Steven Spielberg, on cable last night. Not too bad, but what do you expect from someone like Spielberg? He's only the producer, though, not the director, so while the production is top-notch, some parts of the show weren't very fluid, and I got a little bored on and off. And all that narrating by Dakota Fanning -- the sweet little girl from "I Am Sam" -- started sounding really cheesy towards the end. How did the scriptwriter ever manage to get this piece of hokey fare made into a 10-episode series by Steven Spielberg, no less? If you want the ultimate alien experience, "X-Files" wins hands down. If it doesn't improve with subsequent episodes, I'm going to stop tuning in.

Don't forget to catch the 2nd season of "Six Feet Under" tomorrow. Promises more macabre humour and kooky scenarios. Let's hope the censorship board will be a little more discerning this time, and leave things alone instead of being scissor-happy. After all, one scene in "Muder By Numbers" had the f-word being yelled very clearly. How did that get missed?

So "Terminator 3: Rise Of The Machines" opens this Thursday in Singapore. Reviews on the Net have been mostly good, though most agree Arnie is way past his prime as an action hero. Still, the villain in this installment piques my interest. It's a female cyborg with telepathic powers, and is played by a newcomer who looks like an ice queen. There're also 2 other young actors that bear watching -- Nick Stahl from "In The Bedroom" and Claire Danes of "Romeo & Juliet" fame. Have been relying quite heavily on reviews in Life! ( some of the critics there are right on the money, mind you ), so if they think it sucks, I'll give it a miss. Will be seeing "The Guru" at The Tanglin Club this Sunday anyway. With my parents. Should be lots more fun. :)

Must admit that deferring my Part 2 exam has done wonders for my frazzled psyche. Am certain I made the right choice after all, and will need about a month or two to fully relax before restarting my revision. Have gotten my hands on the latest Harry Potter novel, so I'll be reading that very soon. :)

Time to knock off from work. Till next time then.

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