...to borrow an often used motto from Glee.
And yes, the Kevin Spacey photo clearly indicates that I'm still reeling from the meet-and-greet!
( This is just one of many shots freeze-framed by a fellow KS fan from the video clips I uploaded on YouTube. Thank you so very much! )
But that's not the main gist of this entry. As the title aptly says, my recent encounter with the great Mr. Spacey jumpstarted a dream which has been brewing for way too long. A dream I've had since childhood. A dream many friends and relatives ( even my mother ) have asked me to pursue ( without jeopardizing my day job, that is ). A dream one friend seriously offered to finance, if I ever needed assistance. A dream which almost took flight 7 years ago when this blog gained global attention during the SARS epidemic.
While medicine - emergency medicine, in particular - is something I enjoy to a certain extent, it has become clear over the past decade that it is not fulfilling a deep void in my psyche.
Sure, I get to help people, earn good money, blah blah blah. But at the end of the day, what I yearn for most is a chance to express myself, and to make an intellectual and emotional impact on others.
I know that I will never be a renowned expert in my current profession. No passion for medical research, little protected time for teaching / mentoring, hate administrative duties. Work has become an endless stream of undifferentiated shifts, fraught with PR annoyances and systemic obstacles. The monotony is mind-numbing, and patients / relatives these days offer minimal appreciation for healthcare providers.
This past week, I made a number of decisions and took action to set things in motion.
First, an effort to establish collaborative working relationships with key people in the entertainment industry, to further the objectives of a group blog I contribute to.
Second, joining an online community which provides peer support and critiques on writing efforts. I haven't provided a link to the site because my username's a little obvious, so would prefer to maintain a degree of privacy in that area.
However, if anything interesting occurs, I'll be sure to post an update here. :)
Third, contemplating a medical website idea proposed by a tech-savvy reader. Anticipating a minefield of restrictions to manoeuvre around, but hey, nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Initially planned to blog at the end of the month to herald in the New Year, but since I'm at the computer now, it wouldn't hurt to do a quick summary of 2010's main events.
1) Not to belabour the point, but meeting Kevin Spacey wasn't just the highlight of the year, it has been the highlight of my life!
The fact that it occurred so unexpectedly is definitely a bonus. Sometimes, when you have lots of time to anticipate something, the actual event itself loses the oomph factor.
Although I think being post-call that evening resulted in a degree of lethargy which blunted my affect. If I'd been physically and mentally optimal, I would've bordered on manic!
Never in a million years did I ever think I would have a chance to come face-to-face with my favourite actor.
Add this to my meet-and-greet with Jason Mraz ( my favourite singer ) in March 2009, and I'm pretty much done with my personal list of People I'd Like To Talk To Before I / They Die.
2) France. Or more specifically, Paris.
Again, an unexpected surprise. This country has never been a priority in my travel plans, and was chosen only to accomodate my mom.
Even I was shocked by the effect it had on me. I've never visited a place that made me exclaim, "I don't want to go home!" before.
Paris is so exquisite, but I didn't have time to see most of the city, so a definite return is on the cards. Think maybe on my 40th birthday. Might hop through a few favourite destinations at one go. :)
3) Got promoted at last. My habit of procrastinating proved dearly when a journal writeup was massively sidetracked. But I proved a few things to myself in the process. On to the next 5, so I can make senior consultant when the time comes.
4) Took the plunge and went for Lasik surgery, because my glasses were giving me intractable headaches and contact lenses were becoming a problem. My high myopia and astigmatism haven't deterred the wonders of modern technology, and thanks to an opthalmologist who comes highly recommended by many, results have been good so far, and will probably improve with time.
No regrets at all. :)
5) Memorable concerts: attended very few shows this year, but Jamie Cullum and David Foster were both fabulous and worth every single cent.
6) Favourite movie of 2010: hands down, Inception. Didn't get to see The Social Network, which I'm pretty sure I would've enjoyed as well, so will have to wait for the DVD release.
In any case, if it wins the Best Picture Oscar and Kevin Spacey makes the thank-you speech, I will hit the roof. Literally. :)
7) Favourite TV shows of 2010: Dexter and The Closer. This is, in my opinion, as good as it gets in terms of acting and writing. I do have other favourites, but none comes anywhere close to these two.
Plans for 2011?
1) Non-work-related projects, mentioned earlier.
2) A trip back to the USA with both parents, visiting a couple of cities we haven't seen yet. But Manhattan is definitely on the itinerary. Watching a few Broadway musicals, meeting up with old friends, maybe getting one of them to bring me backstage at the Lincoln Centre ( he's got connections :)).
3) Gearing up for Russell Watson and Michael Buble's shows. Have a contact in the music industry who might be able to grant me access to the artistes.
4) The Bridge Project, featuring Kevin Spacey in the lead role of Richard III! Okay, no more gushing for now. :)
Another good year is about to conclude. Here's to an equally great 2011.